Star Haven
Rosalina's Storybook

Chapter 4

-The Dream-

One night, the girl dreamed about
her own mother.

"Where are you going?" she asked
her mother's retreating back.
Without turning, her mother replied,
"Don't fret, dearest. I'm not going
anywhere. I'm always watching over
you, like the sun in the day and the
moon in the night."

A wave of sadness washed over
the girl.

"What about when it rains, and I
can't see the sun or the moon?"

Her mother thought for a moment
before responding.

"I will turn into a star in the clouds
and wait for your tears to dry."

When she awoke, the girl's face
was damp with tears.

"You have Star Bits in your eyes!"
said Luma to the girl.
Wiping her face, the girl replied,
"These are tears, not Star Bits. I'm
crying because I'll never see my
mother ever again!"

At this, Luma began to cry too.
"Mama, oh, Mama... Waaaah!"

The pair traveled through the starry
skies, and though they encountered
many other comets, not one of them
held Luma's mother.

Luma was despondent.
"Now, now, Luma. The rain clouds
won't go away if you keep crying,"
the girl said, giving Luma a squeeze.
"I'll give you a present if you stop."
The girl closed her eyes and said
gently, "I'll take care of you."

With these words, she felt a small
spark in her heart.

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Story and illustrations are copyright © Nintendo.
Star Haven | Copyright © Julia K.
Last modified Monday, 12/5/11.